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Mohan Bhagwat ji's speech is misrepresented

Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat"s speech in Muzzafpur(Bihar) is being misrepresented.


Bhagwat ji had said that if situation arises and the Constitution permits, Indian army would take 6 months to prepare the society whereas Sangh swayamsevaks can be trained in 3 days, as Swayamsevaks practise discipline regularly.

This was no way a comparison between the Indian army and the Sangh swayamsevaks but it was a comparison between general society and swayamsevaks.Both are to be trained by the Indian Army only.


- Dr.Manmohan Vaidya

Akhil Bharatiya Prachaar Pramukh




Video excerpt of Mohan Bhagwat ji"s speech 

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