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Mananiya Sarkaryavah Bhaiyya ji Joshi’s message on Ramnavami

Namaskar to all of you…


Today is the festival of Ramnavami. We are celebrating it in a different kind of atmosphere. Lord Rama was the incarnation of God and in his fight against all the evil powers, he protected the values and humanity at that time. Today we are going through a different crisis. The whole humanity across the globe is scared at some places and facing this calamity at other places. This is an infectious disease so the only solution to this problem is to stop the spread of infection. The only way to get rid of this disease is to follow the guidelines given by the doctors and the administration. So, on this pious occasion of Ramnavami, let us all take a resolve to display to the world, how to ride over such challenges in an ideal way.


The swayamsevaks of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are actively working to serve the people in this moment of challenge all over the country. To fulfill all the requirements of the society as they are coming up, today thousands of swayamsevaks are standing with society to share the pain. At present, more than one lakh swayamsevaks are involved in different service activities at around 10,000 places. The RSS’ swayamsevaks have reached around 10 lakh families through these initiatives that include providing food, sanitizers and other necessary commodities and helping in hospitals.


I would like to mention a few special initiatives here…


There are many nomadic communities in Maharashtra and they are facing extreme difficulties these days. Sangh’s swayamsevaks have reached out to them to arrange food and other things for them. More than 1000 swayamsevaks donated blood for a particular hospital. The swayamsevaks are also providing refreshments and other necessary things to security personnel, doctors, nurses and other functionaries who are working day and night to provide health services and get the directives for the society implemented. To create awareness, the swayamsevaks are distributing pamphlets in small groups and reaching out to families individually.


What needs our greater attention today is that the condition of migrant workers which go to other states from their home states to work their temporarily is quite serious. Due to lack of trust and insecurity they are trying to go back to their homes. Their migration, at present, can have a serious fall out. So all of us need to think and ensure that such temporary migrant workers should stay with us. They need to feel reassured that the society is with them and their needs would be taken care of while staying wherever they are. There is a need to build this confidence by working amongst these migrant workers. The RSS’ swayamsevaks are doing that at several places but more efforts need to be put by all in this direction.


Another issue which has come up is that at certain places when people have moved from cities to villages, the village residents are not allowing them to enter due to certain apprehensions. They have their own reasons to do that but my suggestion is that it would be appropriate to conduct the health check up of all such people while entering the villages. At present they have to live temporarily outside the villages. This is also a cause of concern for all of us. We also need to think how we can cooperate and contribute to the efforts of the people involved in providing medical services as well as security personnel. Our workers are also doing that at many places.


We are organisational people and we talk about uniting the society. But at present, the swayamsevaks are staying at home and reciting the ‘Prarthana’. Along with this efforts are on to build such an environment in family that impart ‘sanskar’ and keep the moral up. This would ensure that all members of the family would keep moving ahead strongly to get out of this crisis. Such ‘Parivar Prabodhan’ initiatives are taking place at several places.


There are still two more weeks to go. I am confident that if we continue to follow the rules, we could be moving towards normalcy after this period. The need of the hour is to take a resolve to follow all these rules and restrictions.

I would like to say one more thing. There is no fixed format of helping others or doing service in such circumstances. So we should look around us and adapt according the need of the people around us. People are ready to help us with money and individual efforts during the current situation.


There are many suggestions coming from several places. People want to know how they can contribute. A feeling of readiness to work with RSS is visible in the society. We should bring all these forces together to work in the best possible way for the society. Our swayamsevaks are already doing it also and they deserve all the praise. Today we understand the extent of the crisis which we are facing but the best things for the society in this time period is be to meet this challenge by working hard in a thoughtful manner and with fortitude.


On the occasion of Ramnavami, while remembering Lord Rama, I am confident that we would get out of this crisis. And with this belief I urge all of you to continue to work for next two weeks as you have been doing. We would try that while creating awareness, the society also becomes part of this work. I believe that today the festival of Ramnavami is giving us the message for safety, service and awareness in the society. I once again extend my best wishes to all of you on the occasion of Ramnavami.

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