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Chandrakant’s sacrifice - irreplaceable loss for patriots

We are deeply anguished and sad over the brutal killing of Sah Prant Seva Pramukh of RSS Chandrakant Ji and his security personnel in a terrorist attack at Kishtawar in Jammu and Kashmir today. The RSS strongly condemns this act of cowardice. He was the bulwark of fight against terrorism in Doda Kishtwar and a rallying point for National forces. His sacrifice is an irreplaceable loss for the organisation and the patriots in Jammu Kashmir especially the Hindu Society. May God bless the departed souls and give strength to their families to bear the loss. We believe that their sacrifice will not go in vain and the swayamsevaks and the whole society will get inspired from his work and life to take the fight against terrorism to the logical end. We urge the state government to find the perpetrators of this ghastly act and punish them severely at earliest possible.

Suresh (Bhaiyya) Joshi

Sarkaryavah, RSS 

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