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Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal Baithak - ABKM concludes in Chennai

The three day Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal (ABKM) Baithak (All India National Council meeting) of the RSS concluded at Kelambakkam, at the outskirts of Chennai. The meeting was held in the campus of Sri Shiv Shankara Baba Ashram.

On the concluding day today, the RSS General Secretary, Shri Suresh Bhayyaji Joshi addressed the press on the highlights of the proceedings. He was accompanied by the Dr. Manmohan Vaidya, Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Vibhag Pramukh and president of RSS South Zone, Shri Vanniarajan along with the others.

Shri Suresh Ji Joshi’s address to press:

Shri Joshi started the press conference by thanking the press for coming all the way for the past three days and covering the events, he said “I thank you for the information you have published in electronic and print media”.  

In the just concluded National Council Meet (Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarini Mandal ABKM Baithak), review of work, discussions on current situation and plans for the next year were discussed.

Shri Joshi said, “RSS is running different types of activities in 52,000 places in the country and out of which about 40,000 are daily meetings and 12,000 are weekly/monthly meetings. As always we continue our efforts on increasing the work, this year in comparison to last year the daily meetings have increased by 3000. Also in the daily meetings (of about 40,000) 75% of those who attend are below 45 age and out of that about 20,000 are below 25. We have concentrated on college students. In 11,000 colleges there are about 1000 plus activities for the students. Another area of focus is IT Professionals. As you all are aware there are IT hubs in places like Pune, Bangalore and Noida. In about 500 places IT professionals come together once in a week or even daily. As you would be aware Sangh Swayamsewaks involve in many service projects especially in Slums, Urban, tribal areas and remote villages. Over 1,50,000 service activities are being conducted by RSS.”

 “In the last 2 to 3 years there has been focus on rural development. 250 villages in 15 states have been adopted for carrying out programmes to improve health, agriculture, self reliance, and social harmony. We are sure in near future we will see good results.”

“In the same way the program on Cow protection was taken up and a movement on cow protection launched by saints called the Vishwa Mangal Gou Gram Yatra in which RSS volunteers also participated has yielded good results. Six hundred new Ghoshalas / research units have started.”

Key Resolutions:

Two resolutions were passed in ABKM:

Serious security threat due to infiltration in Assam and other parts of country.

Need for comprehensive response to security challenge vis-à-vis China.

 Question & Answer session:

Q 1: In your analysis you must have analyzed strong and weak areas. Can you tell us which the areas that need more work are?

Answer: We need to improve in Jammu & Kashmir and also in the North East. Since last year, Arunachal and Manipur have been made as new zones and work is improving there. There are also some issues in Bengal. Our work is good in Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, and Gujarat.


Q 2: What is the RSS stand on businessmen entering politics? Can industrialists enter politics?

Answer:  Industrialists are also part of the nation and part of the society. They can play different roles. Many industrialists come to RSS and work in educational field, social change programs, economic development, and tribal welfare. So industrialists can take part in any welfare activities and also in politics.


Q 3: In the case of Gadkari; there is a case of misuse and conflict of interest. Can such people enter politics? This opens allegation for misuse of power.

Answer:  We have already issued a statement on allegation against Gadkari. We have asked for impartial enquiry. All persons or organizations should be subjected to probe and if found guilty; should be, punished as per the law. But merely based on allegations, how can we say that he is wrong. A probe is needed and he has himself asked for a probe.


Q 4: Any discussion took place on Gadkari in the ABKM?

Answer: The discussions were focused on social issues, security issues etc.


Q 5: Does RSS endorse Gadkari for the second term?

Answer: This is not for RSS to decide. Political parties have their own system and they decide and we do not play any role in that.


Q 6: Girish Karnad has alleged that V.S. Naipaul is taking a right wing stand in his writings? Do you think it is an unfair criticism on the Nobel laureate?

Answer: I do not have the details on what he said.


Q 7:Ram Jethmalani has written to RSS leadership that Modi should be the PM? What is your position?

Answer: It was not written to RSS Chief. It was written to BJP leadership.


Q 8: But does RSS have a view on that?

Answer:  Political parties take political decisions. We are not into contesting elections. It is their decision and it is not the time for RSS to say anything.


Q9: There is a suggestion that in Kerala the RSS should work with CPI (M).

Answer:  The said article has come in Kasseri. It is the Editors’ view and it is not necessarily the view of RSS (Sangh).


Q 10: What is the RSS view on Kejriwal? Initially BJP joined with Kejriwal but now he is attacking BJP also. Is he taking the role of opposition?

Answer:  Kejriwal has raised issues. Gadkari has offered for a probe. No illegal act can be tolerated. Allegation alone is not enough but impartial probe is needed. If anyone found guilty, he/she should be punished by law as provided in the legal system.


Q 11: Have the allegations on Gadkari come as embarrassment?

Answer:  No, It’s not a problem connected to RSS.


Q 12: Will RSS conduct an independent enquiry?

Answer: We do not have any such mechanism to conduct an enquiry.


Q 13: Will you form your own committee and conduct an enquiry?

Answer: It is not necessary for RSS.


Q 14: RSS often talks of national interest. Karnataka is not sharing water. What is the RSS message to BJP government?

Answer: Based on Supreme Court water has been released. Every government should follow Supreme Court order.


Q 15: What is your stand on Koodankulam?

Answer: We are for pro development. In the interest of country; development should go on. We never oppose this type of projects. We expect it should be honest. They should not be pressurized by other countries. Church is involved in this protest. This project should be welcomed by all. We should take of environmental factors into account in such projects.


Q 16: Was there any discussion on PM candidate for BJP?

Answer: If political parties decide then and then only we will think.


Q 17: You must be having a view on candidate?

Answer: It is too early.


Q 18: Will BJP come to power?

Answer: It is the people to decide.


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