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Acts to curb terror do not violate Human Rights

Rejecting claims of human rights violation in the ongoing battle between civilians and police in Jammu and Kashmir, RSS Sah sarakaryavah Dattatreya Ji expressed satisfaction with the Centre’s stand against what he termed as “anti-national activities of some” in the valley. Addressing the Press Conference on the last day of the meet of Prant  Pracharaks in Kanpur, Dattatreya Ji Hosabale said Kashmir is “burning with terror activities”, and asked media “not to glorify terrorists”.

“This baithak was a usual informal organisational get together of all Prant Pracharaks. Shakha work has increased considerably. In nearly about 21000 places new shakhas have started during the last six years. Planning were made to reach more places in the coming year. Sangh always concentrates on quality improvement along with the quantity” said Dattatreya Hosabale Ji.

RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Dr Manmohan Vaidya was present during the Press Conference.

“Afzal Guru, Yakub Memon – all were hanged because they were terrorists. Their hanging was constitutional. People and the media should not glorify the terrorists, they should not make netas (politicians) out of them. Your support is required to end terrorism in India. And there is no violation of human rights in curbing terrorism. The Centre is doing what it should do to eradicate terrorism and we support it at every step,” Dattatreya Ji said.

Following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander and most wanted terrorist Burhan Wani by security forces on July 8, there were violent protests in Kashmir which have claimed the lives of 39 people so far.

Through the meeting of Prant Pracharaks from all 44 prants and 11 Kshetras across the country, RSS has chalked out its action plan for the next one year.

Boasting a rise in number of people wanting to join RSS, Dattatreya Hosabale Ji said the organisation’s support base has also seen a rise. The organisation has been running a “Join RSS” campaign and  have accepted membership requests from nearly 50,000 people this year alone.

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