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ABPS 2014: Sah Sarkaryavaha's Q&A session with media

Following is an extract of Saha Sarkaryavaha Shri. Dattatraya Hosbale ji"s Q&A session with the media.  

Question: What is the role of Sangh in the transformation wave in the country you mentioned? What is Sangh’s view of Modi?

Answer: Sangh view is that youth should get good opportunities. In view of the SV150 celebrations, our wish is also that the youth inspired by the ideals of Swami Vivekananda will help in this effort. There have been non-governmental effort towards this and this is our strength. Sangh only wishes that any government should provide good governance and administration. Regarding Modi, we are of the view that he is Sangh’s Swayamsevak and is of course a very capable person who has proved himself in Gujarat.  

Q: With AAP gaining ground, how does Sangh view AAP?

A: In a democracy, many parties are formed. Some stay and some go. But we need to review their performance, their experience and we saw what AAP did in Delhi in the 49 days they ruled. Hence, be it AAP or any other party, their performance should be evaluated by the people and media is also a witness to it. We hope the people will take judicious decisions on who can govern better based on their wisdom and the party’s performance.  

Q: What will be the Agenda of this ABPS?

A: As mentioned at the beginning of the press conference, the agenda of ABPS will be to plan for the further work of Sangh and review the work of the last one year. Issues related to poverty, national security, economic policies, price rise, developmental model, etc will be discussed.

To another related question he answered, “There are many issues such as minority appeasement, Communal Violence Bill, terrorism and formulation of Equal Opportunity commission providing deceptive equality, etc. which we feel are detrimental to the nation alongwith Ram Janma Bhoomi issue. All these will be presented before the society but not necessarily discussed as part of every ABPS”

Q: Sangh has earlier said that aged politicians have to retire so that younger ones are given the opportunity. Has the Sangh’s view on aged politicians remained the same?

A: Sangh has never called for retirement of anyone. New faces and the new generation should be given opportunities not just in politics but in all walks of life is the view of Sangh.

Q:  Is work of Sangh in NE based on its current political compulsions as BJP is currently weak there?

A: Sangh has been working in the North-East since the last 5 decades. Lot of Sewa activities by Swayamsevaks have been undertaken in the NE. For example, ‘Arogya Mitra’ is a Sangh project that has been going on to provide quality healthcare to the people there. We run several hundred schools and these are not undertaken due to political compulsions but for service. There has been a psychological gap between mainland and the North-East, which has to be removed. Sangh is working towards this for long and hence there is no political agenda in our work. It is purely for the cultural unification and unity of the nation. Our work is for the development of the NE regions which are long overdue.

Q: Has RSS given its nod to Modi centric campaign by the BJP? Has Sangh moved away from its principles by backing such personality based campaign?

A: The selection of candidates is the party’s prerogative. Sangh only conveys its concerns in the nation to the society based on which the party can choose to prepare its manifesto.

Sangh does not give directions to BJP in selecting candidates. Sangh only expects higher voter turnout which will help in the democratic process, keeping the country’s interest at the highest.

Manmohan Vaidya, Akhil Bharateeya Prachaara Pramukh, Nandakumar Ji, Akhil Bharateeya Saha Prachar Pramukh, Vadiraj, Pranth Prachar Pramukh and Rajesh Padmar, Co-ordinator of Vishwa Samvada Kendra, Karantaka were present on the occasion. Dr.Giridhar Upadhyaya, Asst. Professor KIMS, Bengaluru welcomed the delegates from the press.

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