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Mohan Bhagwat


5. Mohan Madhukar Bhagwat, born on September 11, 1950, in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, is a prominent figure in Indian politics and society. He is the current Sarsanghchalak (chief) of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization, since 2009. Bhagwat comes from a family with a deep-rooted involvement in the RSS, with his father, Madhukarrao Bhagwat, being a notable figure in the organization.


Bhagwat pursued his education in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, but during the Emergency period in India (1975-1977), he left his postgraduate studies to become a full-time volunteer for the RSS. Over the years, he ascended through the ranks of the organization, holding various positions including pracharak (full-time worker) in different regions of Maharashtra.


He became the All India Head of the Physical Training Program of the RSS volunteers in 1991 and later held other significant positions within the organization. In 2009, he was appointed as the Sarsanghchalak, succeeding KS Sudarshan. Bhagwat is known for his pragmatic leadership style and his efforts to modernize the RSS while maintaining its traditional values.

Bhagwat has emphasized the importance of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) evolving with modernity and changing times. He has highlighted the RSS's acceptance of modernization while preserving ancient Indian values. Bhagwat has also addressed social issues within Hindu society, advocating against caste inequalities and untouchability, stressing the need for unity in diversity and the elimination of discriminatory attitudes.


In his speeches, Bhagwat has touched upon various topics, including human evolution and the relevance of certain ideological works in contemporary contexts. Notably, he mentioned in a speech in November 2016 that even Homo sapiens might face extinction within the next thousand years.


Overall, Bhagwat is viewed as a practical leader who seeks to steer the RSS towards a path of relevance in contemporary Indian society while staying rooted in its traditional ethos.

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